Dragon Heart Fit Club

Bi-Weekly Lunar Yoga Nidra on the Shape Shifters Calendar! Let's work that moon magick!

Jul 28, 2022

In 2012 I was practicing with Seattle Yoga Arts and on the schedule I saw "Yoga for Anxiety" so I signed up. The class ended up being my first experience with Yoga Nidra, and my first experience ever where yoga showed me I could feel safe and good in my body. Nidra is for sure the reason I fell in love with yoga as hard as I did, and is for sure the reason I teach it. After I did my 200hr YTT I trained in Nidra with Seattle Yoga Arts and started teaching it. 

Nidra means "sleep" or sometimes you might hear it called "dream yoga"  and it is practiced as a guided meditation. Unlike some forms of meditation this is not a concentration practice. You just close your eyes and listen the nidra, which is structured in a way to gently open the practitioner up to witnessing and relaxing the different layers of the self (physical body, thoughts, emotions), and from there work to create new possibilities or re-negotiate issues that need healing. In yoga nidra you set a "Sankalpa" which in Sanskrit means "to become one with time", an intention of your true will. It is vow made by your heart, a declaration, it is the magic words you choose to cast your spell. 

This is clearly the perfect practice to offer on the new and full moon to keep us connected to our rhythms and to create more structure and documentation of our process. Come in comfy clothes, set up your altar if you do that, and have a journal to do some checking in, especially if you can start to do this regularly, you can then have that reference. 

New Moon in Leo tonight! 8-9pm PST See you there! Link is on the Shape Shifters calendar!